[plec de poixèvoles veritats] echoing the flashing title of the Llibre de les Veritats Poixèvoles


pl-pl-plu-plumbeous balls - 00 - [first 9 pages]

here’s the book... or at least our copy of the book... transcriptions and translations of each poem or page will follow apace...

acording to the last page... “this book... Pl-pl-plu-plumbeous Balls... finished the 28th of October 1971...” also... “added [those poems] to the novel Every Little Flower A Coffin... using the pseudonym Santiago Tell [?]” plus... “presented to the Carles Riba poetry prize given the 13th of December 1971... got a single miserable vote in favor...”

hi ha dins:

hom s'hi ha jaquit caure tants de cops com diu això: